In the past few weeks, several people at my church have mentioned to me that they read my blog. I had no idea that so many "real life" people read it and I honestly have no idea how some of them found it. Nevertheless, I am finding an increase in my traffic and I'm beginning to wonder...
Who is reading my blog??
Do you know me?? How did you find my blog??
Leave me a comment and let me know! :)
Hello, I don't know you in real life, but I"m a new reader. I *think* I found you through Frugal Hacks or, if not there, then indirectly from there, probably from a comment on another blog that I found there.
Hi, I'm a new reader too! :o) I think I found you through moneysavingmom? I'm new to CVSing and LOVE to save money with coupons and such. I was introduced to "blogging" about a year ago but only recently I've truly enjoyed spending my reading on mostly money saving blogs...it's great! Thanks so much for the tips and advice.
I found you through money saving mom! I enjoy the site and have a blog of my own.
Hi, I found your blog on Frugal Hacks and became amazed out how much money people like you can save. Money Saving Mom and your blog are inspirations to people like me who are just starting out. Thank you.
Hi! My name is Jamie and I don't know you in real life. I found you either through Frugal Hacks or Money Saving Mom. I lurk more than anything, but you are on my Reader. Hey--thanks for asking :-)
I've been reading you for awhile & do not know you. I'm pretty sure I found you through money saving mom :) I think I'd be thrown if someone I knew came up to me & told me they read my blog. My husband was over a friends house & I guess the girlfriend was looking at one of my sites, not sure what but I think my blog. Strange!
Hi! I know you and read your blog, but you know that already. I have referred several people to your blog so I'll be waiting for my check in the mail. Ha!
Hello! I don't know you, but I really am enjoying reading your blog. I am a single woman stashing away all of the money you are helping me save so that I can finance the adoption of my first child. I think that I found you through Money Saving Mom.
Thanks for all of the great tips!
Hello! I don't know you, but I really am enjoying reading your blog. I am a single woman stashing away all of the money you are helping me save so that I can finance the adoption of my first child. I think that I found you through Money Saving Mom.
Thanks for all of the great tips!
I discovered you via Money Saving Mom the week you put together the toe separators deal at CVS. Her summary of the transactions wasn't detailed enough for me, a newbie, so I hopped over here and printed your whole post for easy reference at the store!
Hi. I don't know you outside your blog either, but I think I found you originally through Money Saving Mom. I love the ideas you share for CVS, and appreciate your candid responses to questions. Keep up the great work!
Hey! I found you maybe a month ago, I don't know you in real life But I love your Blog! I found you through Rockitfrugalcutoutthehunger's blog! *another one I read daily* Since I have started reading yours and a couple of other's blogs....I have learned so much on saving at the grocery store! I now actually enjoy going, and will hardly buy something unless i have a comp or coupon! Keep up your hard work! You have really been a life saver in hard times for us! Love Ya!
i dont know you irl but i found you through dave ramsey fans :)
Hi, I am a new reader. I found you on extraordinary ordinary blog and am a friend of hers too. Love your tips! Thanks!
Hey, I found you through moneysavingmom I believe it was and find your blog interesting read several blogs on how to save gives me ideas on how to shop frugal etc. I look at your blog everyday. Enjoy it!! Cindy
Hi! I read your blog! I'm Katrina's sister :-) I found you after you left a comment on her blog. After I read a bit I decided that we have a lot in common!
Hi! I found you through moneysavingmom, and I enjoy your postings. : )
Well, I met you about 7 years ago this September in St. Louis. I'm #4 on one of your friends lists. Woo hoo!
I first saw you on the Dave Ramsey Fan's group and again in the Freezer Cooking group. I am also a stay at home mom. My son is 6 and I'm expecting another one in August. I'm not a very consistent blog reader. I tend to forget what exactly it was I got on the computer for in the first place.
Hey! I found you and your blog thru Cafemom and I love it! I love the wide variety of things you write about! I hope to also start up a blog, when I finally get around to it, I'll let u know. Great job on your blog!
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