My absolute favorite meal of all time is my mom's roast beef. She's probably reading this and laughing because I KNOW all she does is top it with a package of onion soup, add some water, and throw it in the oven. Nevertheless, my roasts never turn out quite like hers.
I prefer to eat my roast with mashed potatoes, gravy, carrots, and homemade biscuits, but right now I'd be fine with anything. Since beginning our journey to become debt free last April, I have not purchased a roast. And I'll be honest - I miss them dearly. But since $10 is a fifth of our weekly grocery budget, I will put it off for another few months until our debt is gone. But rest assured, a roast beef dinner WILL be my celebratory meal! :)
Aside from that, I am totally in love with chicken noodle soup. Not the Campbells junk, but my chicken noodle soup. Call it arrogant if you want to, but it's the best! Shredded chicken, carrots, celery, onion, penne noodles, salt, and LOTS of pepper all cooked in a savory chicken broth! Mmm, I'm tempted to go get that prepped bag out of the freezer and make it for dinner now. If only it wasn't 70 degrees outside!
What's your favorite meal?? Do you like different meals in different seasons?? Leave me a comment or a link to a blog post so I can try your favorite meal!!
Okay, I seriously thought you DIDN'T like pepper... where did that come from? I remember discussing this in my kitchen one day and how you'd never purchased an additional container of it because you didn't use it. I'm so confused. Have the pregnancy hormones finished off my brain? :)
By the way, that dinner looks so good right now. I could really go for some mashed potatoes and gravy. Wow, delicious-looking.
My favorite meal is anything my friend Tami makes! But one of my all time favorites will be on my blog in just a few minutes :-)
Well, I didn't use to like pepper, but it's quickly growing on me - especially in soup! :) Yumm!
And by the way...MY roast beef dinner looks WAY better than that one! But what can I say? That's all I could find on the web!
I think my mom's chicken and broccoli casserole is my all-time favorite meal. I make it often, but it just doesn't taste the same as hers, no matter how hard I try!
Her homemade noodles are at the top of the list too. And pretty much anything made with potatoes. I'm definitely a carb-aholic. :-)
Try this blog! This blog is shared between my daughter and two of her best friends. Good ole' Southern girls who just love to cook.
Thanks Vickie
Wow that is tough because I love so many. But I would say my favorite meal is most anything my southern grandma or great-aunt cook. Any meat will do but I must have their mashed potatoes and macaroni and cheese, hoe cakes with butter followed by strawberry pie or banana pudding. Oh and my great aunt makes the best sweet potatoes on earth - she fries them in bacon grease (weird I know) but they are truly heavenly.
I really thought that looked like your plates and table. Not that I remember what your plates look like, and not that your table isn't actually darker than that... but whatever. I thought it was totally believable that it was your meal that you'd made. Then I figured that you hadn't made it because you said so in your blog, but guessed that your mom had since she had just visited... whew! Enough of my rambling!
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