My husband told me yesterday that it would be easier for me if I would just pretend the baby was not coming for several weeks. That way I wouldn't be living in a constant state of anxious anticipation.
I told him that it would be a lot easier to do that if I wasn't contracting all the time and if three times a day I thought I could be in labor due to their frequency and intensity.
I've shared with several people that the whole thing makes me a little bit nervous. As I mentioned the other day, when I was in labor with Reagan, even after my water had been broken, I didn't have any painful contractions until it was time to push. If that would happen again this time around....well, I don't know that I would even be at the hospital in time. (Do you see why I really want my water to break?)
I feel kind of like a blubbering fool lately when I post here on my blog. All I can really find to talk about is this impending birth. But all of you mothers know that once you're to this stage in the game, it pretty much consumes your thoughts. And by the way, if any of you want to call my husband and let him know that this is normal, that'd be great!
This weekend while I was just waiting, we managed to get quite a few things done. Which is good, because you know how people always say that the baby won't come until you have everything ready. Well, either that or it'll come before you have anything ready. But whatever. That second one is obviously not the case for me, so we don't even need to go there.
So our productivity list from the weekend looks like this:
-Went on a date w/ my hubby (thanks, Angel!)
-Played outside with the kids
-Made kitchen curtains
-FINALLY bought a new infant car seat (our old one was expired) and stroller
-Worked in the garage and hung lots of stuff from the ceiling (My husband's car might actually fit in again now that we're temporarily done with all our woodworking projects!)
-Cleaned out our master closet
-Put together the pack n play w/ bassinet
-Cleaned off changing table (being used as shelving) and prepared it for baby
-Got hubby's and baby's stuff ready for hospital (just need to get my own stuff ready!)
-Got baby stuff (swing, bouncer, playmat, etc.) out of the attic and set up
-Organized some business stuff in my office
-Made 7 sets of nursing pads (more on that later....)
Everything is pretty much ready. We have approximately 30 boxes waiting to go out w/ the trash tomorrow evening (although I'm not sure if they'll take all of that), and our garage is looking pretty great. The car seat is in the van, the baby's newborn "room" is almost complete (still lacking the nursing chair), my midwife is back to work, and this mommy is R.E.A.D.Y.!
So now....I'm just waiting....
Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
It's Like Reagan All Over Again
Twice last night I thought I could be in labor. My contractions were coming about 3 minutes apart and I was NOT sleeping. (As usual.) I was trying to decide if I should get up and pack my bags or stay in bed and try to rest.
And then they stopped.
I had the exact same type of "symptoms" when I was pregnant with Reagan exactly two years ago. Contractions would start up and would come consistently 5-8 minutes apart for at least an hour and then....they would just....stop.
It's enough to drive an expectant mother crazy, let me just tell you.
I don't remember specific triggers when I was pregnant with Reagan, but this time around, I pretty much have a contraction every time I get up. If I use the stairs, it's a definite. And if I do any sort of sudden movements (in reaction to, say, a suddenly screaming child), it's an absolute.
All of this would be fine and dandy if the contractions would just LAST. But they don't. I remember now why I begged my midwife after 3 weeks of this nonsense to please just break my water. Which she did. And out came Reagan! After that whole...head getting stuck sideways incident, that is.
I suppose many of you don't really care about the details of my almost labor stories, but I like to blog them to keep them on record for later. It's all for me, really. You just get the pleasure of sharing in it.
Today my friend Cari called to tell me a VERY funny story and I mentioned to her that I had just been vacuuming my blinds. Yes, the blinds that cover the windows to our home have now been vacuumed. After I got off the phone, I proceeded to vacuum the edges of most of the ceilings downstairs as well as most of the floor edges with that little tiny crevice attachment. Now I'm becoming very irritated that we have no way of reaching (and therefore, cleaning) the window in our foyer.
The things pregnant people feel the desire to do will never cease to amaze me. Even when I'm the one doing them.
But back to Reagan. Isn't she cute?
And then they stopped.
I had the exact same type of "symptoms" when I was pregnant with Reagan exactly two years ago. Contractions would start up and would come consistently 5-8 minutes apart for at least an hour and then....they would just....stop.
It's enough to drive an expectant mother crazy, let me just tell you.
I don't remember specific triggers when I was pregnant with Reagan, but this time around, I pretty much have a contraction every time I get up. If I use the stairs, it's a definite. And if I do any sort of sudden movements (in reaction to, say, a suddenly screaming child), it's an absolute.
All of this would be fine and dandy if the contractions would just LAST. But they don't. I remember now why I begged my midwife after 3 weeks of this nonsense to please just break my water. Which she did. And out came Reagan! After that whole...head getting stuck sideways incident, that is.
I suppose many of you don't really care about the details of my almost labor stories, but I like to blog them to keep them on record for later. It's all for me, really. You just get the pleasure of sharing in it.
Today my friend Cari called to tell me a VERY funny story and I mentioned to her that I had just been vacuuming my blinds. Yes, the blinds that cover the windows to our home have now been vacuumed. After I got off the phone, I proceeded to vacuum the edges of most of the ceilings downstairs as well as most of the floor edges with that little tiny crevice attachment. Now I'm becoming very irritated that we have no way of reaching (and therefore, cleaning) the window in our foyer.
The things pregnant people feel the desire to do will never cease to amaze me. Even when I'm the one doing them.
But back to Reagan. Isn't she cute?
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Fourth Time's A Charm?
You know the story.
A very pregnant woman sets out to go grocery shopping. She packs her children into the car and drives to the store. There, she hustles and bustles (or rather, waddles) around, trying to get everything on her list before her children get too cranky. Or tired. Or hungry. Or whatever.
As she reaches for a box of cereal, she feels it. There's a gush. And suddenly....oh dear.
"Cleanup in Isle Seven!!"
As weird as I realize it may sound, I've always wanted this to happen to me. It sounds so storybook, so picturesque, so perfect. I've always wanted my water to break spontaneously. You know, without the use of that darned crochet-type needle being administered by my doctor. Having my water break on its own would just be so serene. And quiet. And crazy. But exciting! And messy.
I'm sure you're with me.
Of course, most women who experience spontaneous water breakage don't actually have a GUSH. It's more like a trickle. Or so I hear.
You see, I'm now nearing the end of my fourth pregnancy and I have yet to experience this. A gush or a leak. Today, I was actually quite sure that my water had broken. But, after waiting in the doctor's office for TWO HOURS, it was to be discovered that...nay, no amniotic fluid is present.
It was kind of a bummer, to be honest. You see, as my contractions seemed to increase (or so I thought), the more I began to settle in with the idea that my baby might come tomorrow.
On the other hand, my midwife just had a death in the family so she's out for the weekend and I'd really like her to be present at the birth. She's very supportive of my birth plan and, considering I've only met the doctor who oversees her twice, I'd much rather give birth with someone familiar.
On the other other hand, I'm pretty sure I might have mentioned that I'm hardly sleeping at this point. So sleep was sounding pretty amazing. Even if it only came in 3 hours stretches.
On the other OTHER other hand (my goodness, how many hands do I have??), I realize that I am just now 37 weeks and that it's ideal to be closer to 38 weeks before delivering. Especially if it's a boy. Which we don't know.
If only contractions were a reliable source of labor indication for me. Unfortunately, with my last baby, I had zero painful contractions until I was near the pushing stage. And really, I had had contractions 20 minutes apart for about 3 weeks by the time I gave birth. So now I typically don't even bother timing them or attempt to measure their intensity since it seemed very unreliable last time.
All that blabbering to say this: I'd really like for my water to break on its own. Just once. I'd like to KNOW it's time to head to the hospital, not just wonder if I'm making the right decision to call my husband home from work and pack all my bags in eager anticipation...only to be turned down upon arrival.
So maybe....just maybe....the fourth time's a charm.
A very pregnant woman sets out to go grocery shopping. She packs her children into the car and drives to the store. There, she hustles and bustles (or rather, waddles) around, trying to get everything on her list before her children get too cranky. Or tired. Or hungry. Or whatever.
As she reaches for a box of cereal, she feels it. There's a gush. And suddenly....oh dear.
"Cleanup in Isle Seven!!"
As weird as I realize it may sound, I've always wanted this to happen to me. It sounds so storybook, so picturesque, so perfect. I've always wanted my water to break spontaneously. You know, without the use of that darned crochet-type needle being administered by my doctor. Having my water break on its own would just be so serene. And quiet. And crazy. But exciting! And messy.
I'm sure you're with me.
Of course, most women who experience spontaneous water breakage don't actually have a GUSH. It's more like a trickle. Or so I hear.
You see, I'm now nearing the end of my fourth pregnancy and I have yet to experience this. A gush or a leak. Today, I was actually quite sure that my water had broken. But, after waiting in the doctor's office for TWO HOURS, it was to be discovered that...nay, no amniotic fluid is present.
It was kind of a bummer, to be honest. You see, as my contractions seemed to increase (or so I thought), the more I began to settle in with the idea that my baby might come tomorrow.
On the other hand, my midwife just had a death in the family so she's out for the weekend and I'd really like her to be present at the birth. She's very supportive of my birth plan and, considering I've only met the doctor who oversees her twice, I'd much rather give birth with someone familiar.
On the other other hand, I'm pretty sure I might have mentioned that I'm hardly sleeping at this point. So sleep was sounding pretty amazing. Even if it only came in 3 hours stretches.
On the other OTHER other hand (my goodness, how many hands do I have??), I realize that I am just now 37 weeks and that it's ideal to be closer to 38 weeks before delivering. Especially if it's a boy. Which we don't know.
If only contractions were a reliable source of labor indication for me. Unfortunately, with my last baby, I had zero painful contractions until I was near the pushing stage. And really, I had had contractions 20 minutes apart for about 3 weeks by the time I gave birth. So now I typically don't even bother timing them or attempt to measure their intensity since it seemed very unreliable last time.
All that blabbering to say this: I'd really like for my water to break on its own. Just once. I'd like to KNOW it's time to head to the hospital, not just wonder if I'm making the right decision to call my husband home from work and pack all my bags in eager anticipation...only to be turned down upon arrival.
So maybe....just maybe....the fourth time's a charm.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Sleep Deprived
I absolutely believe it's true when they say that nobody would have more than one child if they truly remembered what it was like.
And I'm not just talking about the labor and delivery part. I'm talking about the anxious waiting, the strained ligaments, the inability to see to shave your legs, the swollen extremities, the trips to the bathroom every 20 minutes, and the total lack of sleep in the 3rd trimester. Really, my sleeping hasn't been too bad up until this past week. I had been sleeping in 5-6 hour chunks. Now I'm just grateful if I can get back to sleep after my waking every 1 1/2 - 2 hours.
If I ever did (and I don't know if I ever did) blame mothers for their children getting into things or injuring themselves while they slept on the couch....I definitely don't do that anymore. Yesterday I took two naps while my kids played, because of course, I hadn't slept the night before. Nor did I sleep well last night. Perhaps because I took two naps yesterday. Or perhaps because I had to use the bathroom a lot. Either way, it's a vicious cycle. One I can't wait to end.
If I sound like I'm complaining, I'm really not. Well okay, that's a total lie. I am. But I'm trying to be content with this stage of my pregnancy. I know that I was about done with the whole thing by around 32 weeks so now, at 37 weeks, I'm totally over it. But I will wait...patiently, I hope.
Although I'm still praying for September 2nd. :)
And I'm not just talking about the labor and delivery part. I'm talking about the anxious waiting, the strained ligaments, the inability to see to shave your legs, the swollen extremities, the trips to the bathroom every 20 minutes, and the total lack of sleep in the 3rd trimester. Really, my sleeping hasn't been too bad up until this past week. I had been sleeping in 5-6 hour chunks. Now I'm just grateful if I can get back to sleep after my waking every 1 1/2 - 2 hours.
If I ever did (and I don't know if I ever did) blame mothers for their children getting into things or injuring themselves while they slept on the couch....I definitely don't do that anymore. Yesterday I took two naps while my kids played, because of course, I hadn't slept the night before. Nor did I sleep well last night. Perhaps because I took two naps yesterday. Or perhaps because I had to use the bathroom a lot. Either way, it's a vicious cycle. One I can't wait to end.
If I sound like I'm complaining, I'm really not. Well okay, that's a total lie. I am. But I'm trying to be content with this stage of my pregnancy. I know that I was about done with the whole thing by around 32 weeks so now, at 37 weeks, I'm totally over it. But I will wait...patiently, I hope.
Although I'm still praying for September 2nd. :)
Monday, August 24, 2009
We made it through Saturday! We had quite the - eh hem - ambitious to-do list, but we actually made very good progress on everything! My "kankles" at the end of the day were living proof that I was on my feet way too much that day. But I'll spare you a picture of that.
The weather this weekend was PERFECT. It was amazingly cool (I'm talkin' like 70s - yes, in August!!) and balmy with a bit of rain. But it worked out great for our indoor projects.
My husband's main project on Saturday was making three twin platform beds for our children. I was way too lazy to get my camera out while he was actually making them and totally forgot to get pictures before we put the mattresses on top, but you can see the type of beds he made here. These beds are VERY sturdy and were pretty easy to make. Or so I hear. :) We custom fit the height of the beds so we could store some specific things under them in order to free up some space in our closets.
My main project was making curtains for both of the kids' bedrooms. I made living room curtains last week, but these curtains were a bit more complex. I added a liner to each panel since we wanted our kids' bedrooms to be as dark as possible. And the girls' curtains were made of two different fabrics on the front also. Considering I'm not a very experienced seamstress, these two sets of curtains took me most of the day. I also made the decorative pillows on the kids' beds and have plans to make bed skirts once my matching fabric arrives at Joann.
I wanted to make a crib set, but since we don't know the gender of our soon-to-be-born babe, that'll have to wait until after the little one arrives.
Ok, ready for some pictures?
I thought so.

Next is Keaton's bedroom:

His room doubles as our guest room when my parents come down
to visit, so....hence, the futon.

A (blurry) close-up of his curtains...which are pretty basic...

The girls' bedroom:

Their curtains (my masterpiece)...

And there you have it, folks! Our PROJECT DAY in picture form!
The weather this weekend was PERFECT. It was amazingly cool (I'm talkin' like 70s - yes, in August!!) and balmy with a bit of rain. But it worked out great for our indoor projects.
My husband's main project on Saturday was making three twin platform beds for our children. I was way too lazy to get my camera out while he was actually making them and totally forgot to get pictures before we put the mattresses on top, but you can see the type of beds he made here. These beds are VERY sturdy and were pretty easy to make. Or so I hear. :) We custom fit the height of the beds so we could store some specific things under them in order to free up some space in our closets.
My main project was making curtains for both of the kids' bedrooms. I made living room curtains last week, but these curtains were a bit more complex. I added a liner to each panel since we wanted our kids' bedrooms to be as dark as possible. And the girls' curtains were made of two different fabrics on the front also. Considering I'm not a very experienced seamstress, these two sets of curtains took me most of the day. I also made the decorative pillows on the kids' beds and have plans to make bed skirts once my matching fabric arrives at Joann.
I wanted to make a crib set, but since we don't know the gender of our soon-to-be-born babe, that'll have to wait until after the little one arrives.
Ok, ready for some pictures?
I thought so.
Alright, first up are our lovely new living room curtains. I realize they don't look spectacular as is, but I still haven't gotten around to making the tie-backs for them. Just picture it in your head, if you don't mind. (These are currently hanging in our bedroom until my husband has time to build a curtain rod for the living room.)

Next is Keaton's bedroom:

His room doubles as our guest room when my parents come down
to visit, so....hence, the futon.

A (blurry) close-up of his curtains...which are pretty basic...

The girls' bedroom:

Their curtains (my masterpiece)...

And there you have it, folks! Our PROJECT DAY in picture form!
As I said before, I still have bed skirts on my list of things to make as well as a few throw pillows for the futon in Keaton's bedroom (which will take a matter of minutes), and I'm trying to finish up some fabric wreaths for the wall in the girls' room.
The comforters and stackable crates are from Walmart. I plan to do a full post later on how we pulled off these room makeovers on a budget, so stay tuned for that.
Oh! And I guess I shouldn't forget to mention that our kids were SOOOOO excited about their new rooms. It was pretty hilarious. They ran around from bed to bed, climbing on each one and squealing with delight. We were glad they liked them.
Alright, so now that you've seen our weekend in complete details....what did you all do this weekend?
The comforters and stackable crates are from Walmart. I plan to do a full post later on how we pulled off these room makeovers on a budget, so stay tuned for that.
Oh! And I guess I shouldn't forget to mention that our kids were SOOOOO excited about their new rooms. It was pretty hilarious. They ran around from bed to bed, climbing on each one and squealing with delight. We were glad they liked them.
Alright, so now that you've seen our weekend in complete details....what did you all do this weekend?
Friday, August 21, 2009
A Little Lost
My children are gone for the weekend with my father-in-law and his wife, and I'm feeling...well...a little lost.
I have a to-do list that needs accomplished. I'd really enjoy a nap (although I'm not tired). I need to take a shower. I need to eat lunch. And I need to run to the post office.
Yet here I sit.
In other news, I had my 36-week appointment this morning. Everything looks good, baby's head is down, and my midwife said I'm measuring a little big (although I'm quite sure of my dates, so nothing was changed). I was able to complete my birth plan this morning and go over it with my midwife at my appointment. She seemed very supportive of everything (except one tiny disagreement, but she didn't push me on it). I may post my birth plan at a later case any of you are interested.
Next Friday marks my "safe date" and I'm praying for September 2nd if baby is ready.
I know it sounds silly to some to pray for a specific date, but as our Sunday School teacher is always saying, we should pray specifics. Of course, God is under no obligation whatsoever to fulfill my desire to birth on September 2nd and His timing is always perfect, but that date would work out very well for our schedule. That's all I'm sayin'. :)
Tomorrow is our big PROJECT DAY. We are pretty much geared up for all the things we'd like to accomplish and we've already decided in advance that our work day will end at 5pm, so we can be sure to get in a (probably final) date before the new baby comes. I'm excited for the changes we are planning to make once our projects are completed. I'll keep you posted....
The weather here in Indy is absolutely GORGEOUS this weekend! Hope it's just as nice where you are!
I have a to-do list that needs accomplished. I'd really enjoy a nap (although I'm not tired). I need to take a shower. I need to eat lunch. And I need to run to the post office.
Yet here I sit.
In other news, I had my 36-week appointment this morning. Everything looks good, baby's head is down, and my midwife said I'm measuring a little big (although I'm quite sure of my dates, so nothing was changed). I was able to complete my birth plan this morning and go over it with my midwife at my appointment. She seemed very supportive of everything (except one tiny disagreement, but she didn't push me on it). I may post my birth plan at a later case any of you are interested.
Next Friday marks my "safe date" and I'm praying for September 2nd if baby is ready.
I know it sounds silly to some to pray for a specific date, but as our Sunday School teacher is always saying, we should pray specifics. Of course, God is under no obligation whatsoever to fulfill my desire to birth on September 2nd and His timing is always perfect, but that date would work out very well for our schedule. That's all I'm sayin'. :)
Tomorrow is our big PROJECT DAY. We are pretty much geared up for all the things we'd like to accomplish and we've already decided in advance that our work day will end at 5pm, so we can be sure to get in a (probably final) date before the new baby comes. I'm excited for the changes we are planning to make once our projects are completed. I'll keep you posted....
The weather here in Indy is absolutely GORGEOUS this weekend! Hope it's just as nice where you are!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
I'm Pretty Sure
I'm pretty sure I absolutely positively MUST have set a personal record yesterday. I mentioned yesterday morning that my to-do list was 24 items long. However, as the day progressed, it seemed to magically grow. It's amazing how to-do lists do that sort of thing. Anyway, at the end of the day when all was said and done, I had completed - are you ready for this?? - twenty-five out of twenty-seven things on my list.
I know. I'm pretty proud too.
I'm also pretty sure that the (almost) completion of my ridiculously long to-do list is also the reason that I had ankles the size of softballs last night.
And I'm pretty sure it's the explanation for how I was able to eat three times my body weight in chocolate chip cookies over the past 24 hours.
And I'm pretty sure it explains why all I've done today is...well...nothing.
On an entirely separate note...I'm in the process of writing a birth plan for my labor and delivery this time around. You'd think I would have one sitting around from my previous birth experiences, but as it turns out...I've never actually made one before.
I did some research online and talked with a few of my friends and I think I sort of understand what I want to incorporate into it. I want to be detailed, but I don't want it to be so long that nobody will bother reading it.
Have any of you written a birth plan? And if so, were your wishes followed?
I could really use some help in this department.
I know. I'm pretty proud too.
I'm also pretty sure that the (almost) completion of my ridiculously long to-do list is also the reason that I had ankles the size of softballs last night.
And I'm pretty sure it's the explanation for how I was able to eat three times my body weight in chocolate chip cookies over the past 24 hours.
And I'm pretty sure it explains why all I've done today is...well...nothing.
On an entirely separate note...I'm in the process of writing a birth plan for my labor and delivery this time around. You'd think I would have one sitting around from my previous birth experiences, but as it turns out...I've never actually made one before.
I did some research online and talked with a few of my friends and I think I sort of understand what I want to incorporate into it. I want to be detailed, but I don't want it to be so long that nobody will bother reading it.
Have any of you written a birth plan? And if so, were your wishes followed?
I could really use some help in this department.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
A Daunting To-Do List
Yesterday I had a mental to-do list. Since I mostly just worked on sewing projects all day....that to-do list didn't quite get finished. Well, I barely touched it with a 10-foot pole. Today I wrote down EVERYTHING I need to do today. My list is a full page long.
I left sewing off the list today and I still have 24 things written down - 7 things checked off as of 9am.
So why am I blogging? Because I need a short break, of course. :) Blogging is NOT on my list, but I did want to tell you that I finished my living room curtains yesterday! My husband is planning to make a curtain rod for the living room so right now they are being tested out in our bedroom. Me likey.
Ok, I'm going to get back to my list now. And before you all tell me to lighten up on the to-do list, please know that "relax" is on my list too. :)
I left sewing off the list today and I still have 24 things written down - 7 things checked off as of 9am.
So why am I blogging? Because I need a short break, of course. :) Blogging is NOT on my list, but I did want to tell you that I finished my living room curtains yesterday! My husband is planning to make a curtain rod for the living room so right now they are being tested out in our bedroom. Me likey.
Ok, I'm going to get back to my list now. And before you all tell me to lighten up on the to-do list, please know that "relax" is on my list too. :)
Monday, August 17, 2009
It's Bizarre, Really
The whole nesting thing is such an odd reality. And it's definitely a reality. Don't even try to fight it, because if you do....well....just don't. It won't work anyway.
Nesting hits everyone a little differently. Some people can't clean out enough nooks and crannies in their home. Some people can't stop organizing. Some people can't get enough of cleaning their refrigerator. I've been hit with lots of different kinds of nesting over the spread of my four pregnancies, but this's sewing.
I can't stop coming up with sewing projects. I have on my list this week:
1. Make living room curtains
2. Make bedroom curtains for my son's room and my daughters' room.
3. Make bedskirts for all three kids' beds.
4. Finish cloth book.
5. Make fabric wreaths for girls' room. (Kind of a sewing project....but not really.)
6. Make decorative pillows?
7. Make nursing pads.
And that's just until I think of something else.
Yes, some days I go crazy and clean the kitchen 3 times. Some days I very thoroughly vacuum the stairs. But today, in addition to my laundry and vacuuming and sweeping and toilet cleaning and cooking and trying to pretend it's not still five whole weeks until my baby is due....I'll be sewing. :)
And don't worry, I'll keep you posted on my projects with pictures and fun details and all that jazz.
Happy Monday!
Nesting hits everyone a little differently. Some people can't clean out enough nooks and crannies in their home. Some people can't stop organizing. Some people can't get enough of cleaning their refrigerator. I've been hit with lots of different kinds of nesting over the spread of my four pregnancies, but this's sewing.
I can't stop coming up with sewing projects. I have on my list this week:
1. Make living room curtains
2. Make bedroom curtains for my son's room and my daughters' room.
3. Make bedskirts for all three kids' beds.
4. Finish cloth book.
5. Make fabric wreaths for girls' room. (Kind of a sewing project....but not really.)
6. Make decorative pillows?
7. Make nursing pads.
And that's just until I think of something else.
Yes, some days I go crazy and clean the kitchen 3 times. Some days I very thoroughly vacuum the stairs. But today, in addition to my laundry and vacuuming and sweeping and toilet cleaning and cooking and trying to pretend it's not still five whole weeks until my baby is due....I'll be sewing. :)
And don't worry, I'll keep you posted on my projects with pictures and fun details and all that jazz.
Happy Monday!
Friday, August 14, 2009
If It Isn't One Thing, It's Another
Warning: This post mentions poop.
Reagan, our youngest little one, has had quite the week. She's had diarrhea on and off (but mostly on) since Monday or Tuesday and has hardly eaten anything. She's normally a really good eater, but this week even the things she loves she was not interested in. Last night, I was starting to wonder if perhaps she had an ear infection, so I decided I would call this morning to get her in to the doctor's office before the weekend hit. (We so appreciate our pediatrician and he doesn't work on Mondays, so if it's a Friday and I have even the smallest inkling that my children might need to see a doctor in the next few days, I generally take them in that day just to be on the safe side.)
But, as an aside, I'm really NOT one of those moms who takes her kids in to the doctor all the time. In fact, most of the time I feel bad about not taking them in sooner when I find out they have some really progressed....whatever. But anyway....
This morning Reagan woke up later than usual and seemingly only woke up because she had rolled off her mattress. (She just moved out of her crib this week, so she's currently sleeping on a mattress on the floor.) I went in to get her and she was extremely lethargic. In fact, she fell back asleep half on the mattress and half in my lap. I moved her back onto her pillow and let her sleep for about another hour.
She had perked up a tiny bit by the time of her appointment at 11 o'clock, but she hadn't eaten anything and had actually thrown up once this morning. She was looking pretty pathetic and I admit I was selfishly really disappointed that she seemed too weak to walk. Thankfully, she fits over my belly pretty well. But she was still heavy.
The doctor checked her out. No ear infection. No diaper rash. No other visible problems. Her throat looked fine, but he said he'd check it just in case. (Since, remember, Sienna had strep last week?)
Apparently our children have some really bizarre strep symptoms (diarrhea is not a symptom of strep, but Sienna had it too) or perhaps a strange strain of strep is going around right now, but either way....Reagan's strep swab was also positive.
I was just glad it was treatable.
Since Keaton was with me, the doctor went ahead and looked at his throat. He said it looked fine, but of did Reagan's. Since he knows I'm not a "medicine happy mom" (in fact, I'd say I'm pretty much as close to the opposite end of the spectrum as you can get), he went ahead and wrote me a prescription for Keaton as well and said if he starts to show any symptoms in the next 2 weeks to go ahead and get his prescription filled. The doctor and I both agreed that it would be best to get this whole strep thing out of the house before the new baby comes. So far, my husband and I are clear and I'm praying things will stay that way.
When we got home, Keaton did not finish his lunch (one of his favorites!) and said he wasn't feeling well.
At least we have the prescription if I decide we need it. I'll be watching him closely over the next few days. Hopefully this lunch deal was just a fluke, but we'll see....
Motherhood is such an adventure!
On a completely unrelated and positive note, we sold our bunk beds this morning in preparation for a project we'll be completing next weekend. It was a nice set in good condition, but I was still a little amazed that we were able to get as much out of it as we were. My husband, on the other hand, thinks we "gave it away", it seems, as we sold it with the mattresses. But they were 10-year old mattresses. And really, we have absolutely no need for a full-size mattress anymore. We could have used the twin, but I figured if someone was interested in it, we might as well just sell it too and get a new one since each of our children will likely be sleeping in a twin bed until they leave the house!
More on THE PROJECT coming soon....
Reagan, our youngest little one, has had quite the week. She's had diarrhea on and off (but mostly on) since Monday or Tuesday and has hardly eaten anything. She's normally a really good eater, but this week even the things she loves she was not interested in. Last night, I was starting to wonder if perhaps she had an ear infection, so I decided I would call this morning to get her in to the doctor's office before the weekend hit. (We so appreciate our pediatrician and he doesn't work on Mondays, so if it's a Friday and I have even the smallest inkling that my children might need to see a doctor in the next few days, I generally take them in that day just to be on the safe side.)
But, as an aside, I'm really NOT one of those moms who takes her kids in to the doctor all the time. In fact, most of the time I feel bad about not taking them in sooner when I find out they have some really progressed....whatever. But anyway....
This morning Reagan woke up later than usual and seemingly only woke up because she had rolled off her mattress. (She just moved out of her crib this week, so she's currently sleeping on a mattress on the floor.) I went in to get her and she was extremely lethargic. In fact, she fell back asleep half on the mattress and half in my lap. I moved her back onto her pillow and let her sleep for about another hour.
She had perked up a tiny bit by the time of her appointment at 11 o'clock, but she hadn't eaten anything and had actually thrown up once this morning. She was looking pretty pathetic and I admit I was selfishly really disappointed that she seemed too weak to walk. Thankfully, she fits over my belly pretty well. But she was still heavy.
The doctor checked her out. No ear infection. No diaper rash. No other visible problems. Her throat looked fine, but he said he'd check it just in case. (Since, remember, Sienna had strep last week?)
Apparently our children have some really bizarre strep symptoms (diarrhea is not a symptom of strep, but Sienna had it too) or perhaps a strange strain of strep is going around right now, but either way....Reagan's strep swab was also positive.
I was just glad it was treatable.
Since Keaton was with me, the doctor went ahead and looked at his throat. He said it looked fine, but of did Reagan's. Since he knows I'm not a "medicine happy mom" (in fact, I'd say I'm pretty much as close to the opposite end of the spectrum as you can get), he went ahead and wrote me a prescription for Keaton as well and said if he starts to show any symptoms in the next 2 weeks to go ahead and get his prescription filled. The doctor and I both agreed that it would be best to get this whole strep thing out of the house before the new baby comes. So far, my husband and I are clear and I'm praying things will stay that way.
When we got home, Keaton did not finish his lunch (one of his favorites!) and said he wasn't feeling well.
At least we have the prescription if I decide we need it. I'll be watching him closely over the next few days. Hopefully this lunch deal was just a fluke, but we'll see....
Motherhood is such an adventure!
On a completely unrelated and positive note, we sold our bunk beds this morning in preparation for a project we'll be completing next weekend. It was a nice set in good condition, but I was still a little amazed that we were able to get as much out of it as we were. My husband, on the other hand, thinks we "gave it away", it seems, as we sold it with the mattresses. But they were 10-year old mattresses. And really, we have absolutely no need for a full-size mattress anymore. We could have used the twin, but I figured if someone was interested in it, we might as well just sell it too and get a new one since each of our children will likely be sleeping in a twin bed until they leave the house!
More on THE PROJECT coming soon....
Thursday, August 13, 2009
$74.10 Richer
I seriously thought this day would never come. You know, the day your husband comes home from work to find you in the middle of the closet with EVERY SINGLE ITEM OF CLOTHING you own strewn around you as you desperately try to decide where you should put each exact article. Earlier, you were at the store and purchased more body wash and toothpaste than you'll ever need in a lifetime. Then you came home and made 12 meatloaves and 6 pans of lasagna....just in case you don't feel like cooking for a few weeks. And you know, just in case you can actually stomach that many repeated meals in just 18 days.
Well, I'm happy to tell you that none of those things happened today. But the nesting thing has definitely settled in with me. I'm a slightly uncomfortable 35-week pregnant woman who suddenly needs to get all sorts of unimportant things done in a matter of 2 weeks. Just in case.
Today I happened to notice a large pile of miscellaneous paperwork, doodads, memorabilia, and other random things in the corner of our bedroom. And even though I was going to go downstairs and put up an ad on Craigslist, then clean the kitchen, and then think about dinner....instead, I plopped down on the floor and began to dig through: THE PILE.
I had just gotten started when I found some checkbook ledgers. Empty, of course. Perfect! I'm always needing these! (You know, because I'm always putting them somewhere an unknown pile.) About 10 minutes later, I found some more checkbook ledgers. This time they were accompanied by some actual checks and - GASP! - money!!!
I must have looked like a kid in a candy store. I just know it. Because I grabbed it up as quickly as I could and counted it twice to be sure. Yep! Sure enough! Three 20 dollar bills!
God is so good.
I said a quick "thank you" to the Lord for helping me find this at the perfect time (more on that later) and continued on. I happened upon a black lock box that I was pretty sure we'd never used. But when I opened it up, I discovered that we had, in fact, used it once for a garage sale.
$4.10 never felt so great!
By this point I was feeling fantastic! So fantastic that I actually LEFT the entire pile sitting out - although, now the pile was more hem....8 piles. But you know....small ones. :)
To top it all off, I was playing a game this morning on the Huggies website and won $10 cash! (If you'd like details on this game, please visit this link.) So all in all, my pockets are $74.10 heavier than they were this morning.
Figuratively speaking, of course.
Well, I'm happy to tell you that none of those things happened today. But the nesting thing has definitely settled in with me. I'm a slightly uncomfortable 35-week pregnant woman who suddenly needs to get all sorts of unimportant things done in a matter of 2 weeks. Just in case.
Today I happened to notice a large pile of miscellaneous paperwork, doodads, memorabilia, and other random things in the corner of our bedroom. And even though I was going to go downstairs and put up an ad on Craigslist, then clean the kitchen, and then think about dinner....instead, I plopped down on the floor and began to dig through: THE PILE.
I had just gotten started when I found some checkbook ledgers. Empty, of course. Perfect! I'm always needing these! (You know, because I'm always putting them somewhere an unknown pile.) About 10 minutes later, I found some more checkbook ledgers. This time they were accompanied by some actual checks and - GASP! - money!!!
I must have looked like a kid in a candy store. I just know it. Because I grabbed it up as quickly as I could and counted it twice to be sure. Yep! Sure enough! Three 20 dollar bills!
God is so good.
I said a quick "thank you" to the Lord for helping me find this at the perfect time (more on that later) and continued on. I happened upon a black lock box that I was pretty sure we'd never used. But when I opened it up, I discovered that we had, in fact, used it once for a garage sale.
$4.10 never felt so great!
By this point I was feeling fantastic! So fantastic that I actually LEFT the entire pile sitting out - although, now the pile was more hem....8 piles. But you know....small ones. :)
To top it all off, I was playing a game this morning on the Huggies website and won $10 cash! (If you'd like details on this game, please visit this link.) So all in all, my pockets are $74.10 heavier than they were this morning.
Figuratively speaking, of course.
Good News, Bad News, Etc....
Good News: Yesterday we went to the Indiana State Fair.
Bad News: It's always in August. August is HOT.
Good News: Yesterday wasn't bad, considering it's mid-August.
Bad News: I still sweat like crazy.
Good News: I remembered to bring my camera.
Bad News: I didn't take any pictures.
Good News: We got in free with coupons.
Bad News: We still had to park forever away.
Good News: We ate fair food.
Bad News: We paid $19 for 3 grilled cheese sandwiches, cotton candy, and an elephant ear.
Good News: That's far less than we usually spend.
Bad News: That didn't include a funnel cake. My favorite.
Good News: My husband made me a funnel cake last night.
Bad News: The first one got a little overcooked.
Good News: It still tasted pretty good.
Bad News: The kitchen is now a mess.
Good News: Naptime is coming!
Bad News: It's always in August. August is HOT.
Good News: Yesterday wasn't bad, considering it's mid-August.
Bad News: I still sweat like crazy.
Good News: I remembered to bring my camera.
Bad News: I didn't take any pictures.
Good News: We got in free with coupons.
Bad News: We still had to park forever away.
Good News: We ate fair food.
Bad News: We paid $19 for 3 grilled cheese sandwiches, cotton candy, and an elephant ear.
Good News: That's far less than we usually spend.
Bad News: That didn't include a funnel cake. My favorite.
Good News: My husband made me a funnel cake last night.
Bad News: The first one got a little overcooked.
Good News: It still tasted pretty good.
Bad News: The kitchen is now a mess.
Good News: Naptime is coming!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
But Seriously...I'm So Blessed
On Sunday morning, we turned our 7am alarm off and waited for one of our children to reawaken us. It rarely happens that ANY of our children sleep past 7.15am, but if it's going to happen, it always does so on a Sunday morning. No. Fail.
So when our son broke into our room at 7.55am, the fun began.
I realize that for most reasonable people with three small children, allowing for just 45 minutes to eat breakfast, find clothes, get dressed, brush teeth, and leave the house is, um....a little absurd. But for us, well...unfortunately, it's all too common.
To further complicate the fact that we had gotten up late, I wasn't feeling fantastic and was still lying in bed listening to the commotion going on around me. Our middle child was in the bathroom. Our oldest child was in his room getting dressed. And our youngest child was laughing hysterically at my husband as he made funny noises while changing her diaper.
A sudden tear came to my eye as I realized....I am so blessed.
It happens every so often that this realization comes to me. And it's unfortunate that I can't recognize these moments more often.
I mean....Do I really wallow in self-pity so much that I can't even see all the good things going on around me? Is it possible that I think so much of myself that my awareness of all of God's blessings is utterly and absolutely lacking in my life?
Apparently so. Otherwise, these moments wouldn't be moments at all. They would be life.
When my grocery cart is full and I hand over the cash to the I thankful for God's promise to always provide what we need?
When my husband comes home from working a 12-hour day just so I can stay home with our I really appreciate all the hard work he does for our family?
When my daughter asks for a hug 15 times a I savor the moment? And the fact that my daughter is here to ask me for such a thing....15 times a day?
When my children recite their Bible verses every evening before I understand the beauty of the habit they are forming because of my husband's diligence to teach them?
When I drive in my mini-van with the A/C blasting through the vents, see my children with their toys in their laps, and pop in my favorite I consider how lavishly rich we are in this country?
When I go to each midwife appointment and hear the sound of a beating heart, when I feel the incessant kicking all day every day and feel the sharp pains that come from carrying a child for 9 I comprehend the absolute beauty of the miracle inside me?
And when I completely forget I have an appointment until the day it's scheduled and urgently call around to find a last-minute baby sitter for my three I thankful for all the people the Lord has surrounded me with who are always willing to lend a helping hand?
God is so good. And I am so ignorant of His goodness sometimes. But I'm grateful for the times he clunks me on the head to show me that...seriously...I am so blessed.
So when our son broke into our room at 7.55am, the fun began.
I realize that for most reasonable people with three small children, allowing for just 45 minutes to eat breakfast, find clothes, get dressed, brush teeth, and leave the house is, um....a little absurd. But for us, well...unfortunately, it's all too common.
To further complicate the fact that we had gotten up late, I wasn't feeling fantastic and was still lying in bed listening to the commotion going on around me. Our middle child was in the bathroom. Our oldest child was in his room getting dressed. And our youngest child was laughing hysterically at my husband as he made funny noises while changing her diaper.
A sudden tear came to my eye as I realized....I am so blessed.
It happens every so often that this realization comes to me. And it's unfortunate that I can't recognize these moments more often.
I mean....Do I really wallow in self-pity so much that I can't even see all the good things going on around me? Is it possible that I think so much of myself that my awareness of all of God's blessings is utterly and absolutely lacking in my life?
Apparently so. Otherwise, these moments wouldn't be moments at all. They would be life.
When my grocery cart is full and I hand over the cash to the I thankful for God's promise to always provide what we need?
When my husband comes home from working a 12-hour day just so I can stay home with our I really appreciate all the hard work he does for our family?
When my daughter asks for a hug 15 times a I savor the moment? And the fact that my daughter is here to ask me for such a thing....15 times a day?
When my children recite their Bible verses every evening before I understand the beauty of the habit they are forming because of my husband's diligence to teach them?
When I drive in my mini-van with the A/C blasting through the vents, see my children with their toys in their laps, and pop in my favorite I consider how lavishly rich we are in this country?
When I go to each midwife appointment and hear the sound of a beating heart, when I feel the incessant kicking all day every day and feel the sharp pains that come from carrying a child for 9 I comprehend the absolute beauty of the miracle inside me?
And when I completely forget I have an appointment until the day it's scheduled and urgently call around to find a last-minute baby sitter for my three I thankful for all the people the Lord has surrounded me with who are always willing to lend a helping hand?
God is so good. And I am so ignorant of His goodness sometimes. But I'm grateful for the times he clunks me on the head to show me that...seriously...I am so blessed.
"Not Me!" Monday
Just pretend I live on the west coast. Well, and then pretend it's about an hour earlier. There! Now we have no qualms about the timing of this "Monday" post. :)
It's time for the (almost) weekly edition of "Not Me!" Monday! I just know you're as excited as I am. So let's get started...
This week, I did not forget to make dinner every single stinkin' day. Because, you know, I'm pretty sure that's not even possible. Not even for a pregnant woman with 3 toddlers running around her house.
My husband and I, being the UNselfish parents that we are, did not tell our children they couldn't go out and ride their bikes one evening simply because it was so hot and we were too lazy to prepare for what would have been the inevitable bathtime to follow. We always ALWAYS think about our children first.
There is no way that while I was sitting in bed w/ my laptop, I reached over for a Kleenex, dropped my cell phone off my nightstand and proceeded to nearly fall out of bed trying to retrieve it. I am not that lazy that I wouldn't just set the laptop aside and pull my legs out of bed to get it.
I did not go through the McDonalds drive-thru wearing a Colts t-shirt and, when asked if I was ready for the season to start, totally pretend that I actually care about football (and more specifically, the Colts) just so the drive-thru guy (who was clearly a die-hard fan) wouldn't have his sweet, football-lovin' heart crushed by some stupid girl who happened to have just pulled out a t-shirt from the closet that, amazingly, still fits her.
I also did not just put in that last paragraph about something that actually happened at least a month ago and pretend it happened last week just so I would have something to write about. Because I would never do that.
While attending game night last weekend, I did not seriously pull out my bright green t-shirt spouting the words "I am not a model. I just look like one." and wear it. In public. Even though that shirt is strictly a home shirt only (and I honestly don't remember where it came from), there is no way that I found it just too funny for a 34-week pregnant woman to be wearing such a shirt and therefore, had to wear it. Again, in public.
I did not break down and cry about 5,947,227 times about various things that probably matter to absolutely NOBODY else in the whole world. Because pregnant woman don't do that sort of thing. Ever.
And speaking of things I never do, and therefore naturally didn't do this week either....
I did not raise my hands to the Lord while singing loudly in my car on the way to my last doctor's appointment, even though the entire world might have thought I was trying to give them some sort of hand signal through my front windshield. I never do bizarre things like that, especially if the words to the song I'm singing (or rather, not singing - ehem) start out with "We stand and lift up our hands..."
And finally....after kind of looking forward to it (although seriously wondering if I would have the energy to do it), I did not miss a (probably) fun night out with some girlfriends simply because - are you ready for this? - I totally forgot. As I've mentioned about a bazillion times, I DO NOT forget things that are important, that I'm looking forward to, or that really matter. Why? Because, you guessed it, pregnant woman do NOT do those sorts of things. Even if they've been reminded twice in the same day.
Ahh, well I feel better now. :) Head on over to MckMama's blog, My Charming Kids, for more Not Me! Monday posts!
It's time for the (almost) weekly edition of "Not Me!" Monday! I just know you're as excited as I am. So let's get started...
This week, I did not forget to make dinner every single stinkin' day. Because, you know, I'm pretty sure that's not even possible. Not even for a pregnant woman with 3 toddlers running around her house.
My husband and I, being the UNselfish parents that we are, did not tell our children they couldn't go out and ride their bikes one evening simply because it was so hot and we were too lazy to prepare for what would have been the inevitable bathtime to follow. We always ALWAYS think about our children first.
There is no way that while I was sitting in bed w/ my laptop, I reached over for a Kleenex, dropped my cell phone off my nightstand and proceeded to nearly fall out of bed trying to retrieve it. I am not that lazy that I wouldn't just set the laptop aside and pull my legs out of bed to get it.
I did not go through the McDonalds drive-thru wearing a Colts t-shirt and, when asked if I was ready for the season to start, totally pretend that I actually care about football (and more specifically, the Colts) just so the drive-thru guy (who was clearly a die-hard fan) wouldn't have his sweet, football-lovin' heart crushed by some stupid girl who happened to have just pulled out a t-shirt from the closet that, amazingly, still fits her.
I also did not just put in that last paragraph about something that actually happened at least a month ago and pretend it happened last week just so I would have something to write about. Because I would never do that.
While attending game night last weekend, I did not seriously pull out my bright green t-shirt spouting the words "I am not a model. I just look like one." and wear it. In public. Even though that shirt is strictly a home shirt only (and I honestly don't remember where it came from), there is no way that I found it just too funny for a 34-week pregnant woman to be wearing such a shirt and therefore, had to wear it. Again, in public.
I did not break down and cry about 5,947,227 times about various things that probably matter to absolutely NOBODY else in the whole world. Because pregnant woman don't do that sort of thing. Ever.
And speaking of things I never do, and therefore naturally didn't do this week either....
I did not raise my hands to the Lord while singing loudly in my car on the way to my last doctor's appointment, even though the entire world might have thought I was trying to give them some sort of hand signal through my front windshield. I never do bizarre things like that, especially if the words to the song I'm singing (or rather, not singing - ehem) start out with "We stand and lift up our hands..."
And finally....after kind of looking forward to it (although seriously wondering if I would have the energy to do it), I did not miss a (probably) fun night out with some girlfriends simply because - are you ready for this? - I totally forgot. As I've mentioned about a bazillion times, I DO NOT forget things that are important, that I'm looking forward to, or that really matter. Why? Because, you guessed it, pregnant woman do NOT do those sorts of things. Even if they've been reminded twice in the same day.
Ahh, well I feel better now. :) Head on over to MckMama's blog, My Charming Kids, for more Not Me! Monday posts!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Foto Friday!
Here's one of my favorites from a session I did last Friday. As usual, you can see a few more on my photography blog. :)
Get Your Finances In Line In 2009: July Recap
As I mentioned last month, we had a pretty dull June. We weren't able to contribute anything extra to our FFEF (but we didn't borrow from it either!), so I added a note that I was excited to see what July might bring.
Well, our mortgage company must have been reading my blog because our mortgage payment went down significantly last month. I'm talking, like 20%. We have been anticipating this drop in our payment for over a year, but it just seemed like it would never happen! We are so happy that it finally has!
Not only does this free up some extra cash every month to put towards our FFEF, it also lowers the needed amount for our FFEF goal. I did some reworking of the budget and we were very pleased with the results. As it turns out, we just may be able to make our 6-month FFEF by the end of the year! We'll see!
So now, with our lower FFEF goal, here is our progress:
Goal #1: Save up and pay CASH for our 5-day vacation to Mackinac Island in June! :) ---- 100% completed ----
Goal #2: Fully fund our 6 month emergency fund and put into a money market account to be left UNTOUCHED unless there is an actual emergency. ---- 54.8% completed!! We're over the 50% mark!! This means we have 3 months of expenses in our bank account!! What a great feeling!! (Are you sensing my excitement? Lol) ----
Goal #3: Save for my husband to get a "new" (that means used) car. ---- My husband's car has been in and out of service for various things over the past several weeks, as it happens to be right now, but he's planning to fix yet another thing on it this weekend or next. He's so resourceful and, even when I think it's probably about time to get another car, he finds some really cheap (or free) way of keeping his little Subaru around just a little longer. Have I mentioned that I love my husband? ----
Goal #4: Raise retirement contributions to 12% (with a 4% match).
Goal #5: Open a money market account for each of our children.
Goal #6: Begin paying extra principal on our mortgage.
Goal #7: Establish a will and testament. ---- Still thinking about working on this... ----
Goal #8: Get disability insurance for both my husband and me. ---- If my husband ever has a free moment, he'll fill out this application. For real. ----
And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen! A very exciting month for us! The Lord has truly blessed our endeavors to be faithful with what He has given us. We can't wait to see what He will do next!
How's the summer panning out for all of you?
Well, our mortgage company must have been reading my blog because our mortgage payment went down significantly last month. I'm talking, like 20%. We have been anticipating this drop in our payment for over a year, but it just seemed like it would never happen! We are so happy that it finally has!
Not only does this free up some extra cash every month to put towards our FFEF, it also lowers the needed amount for our FFEF goal. I did some reworking of the budget and we were very pleased with the results. As it turns out, we just may be able to make our 6-month FFEF by the end of the year! We'll see!
So now, with our lower FFEF goal, here is our progress:
Goal #1: Save up and pay CASH for our 5-day vacation to Mackinac Island in June! :) ---- 100% completed ----
Goal #2: Fully fund our 6 month emergency fund and put into a money market account to be left UNTOUCHED unless there is an actual emergency. ---- 54.8% completed!! We're over the 50% mark!! This means we have 3 months of expenses in our bank account!! What a great feeling!! (Are you sensing my excitement? Lol) ----
Goal #3: Save for my husband to get a "new" (that means used) car. ---- My husband's car has been in and out of service for various things over the past several weeks, as it happens to be right now, but he's planning to fix yet another thing on it this weekend or next. He's so resourceful and, even when I think it's probably about time to get another car, he finds some really cheap (or free) way of keeping his little Subaru around just a little longer. Have I mentioned that I love my husband? ----
Goal #4: Raise retirement contributions to 12% (with a 4% match).
Goal #5: Open a money market account for each of our children.
Goal #6: Begin paying extra principal on our mortgage.
Goal #7: Establish a will and testament. ---- Still thinking about working on this... ----
Goal #8: Get disability insurance for both my husband and me. ---- If my husband ever has a free moment, he'll fill out this application. For real. ----
And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen! A very exciting month for us! The Lord has truly blessed our endeavors to be faithful with what He has given us. We can't wait to see what He will do next!
How's the summer panning out for all of you?
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Dear Body, Forgive Me
About once every 3-4 months I do a HUGE grocery shop. It consists of stocking up on all things pantry-like, including but not limited to: canned fruits and veggies, baking products (think flour, sugar, salt, soda, etc.), ground beef, chicken breasts, and sometimes household goods like toilet paper.
Tonight was such a shop. And let me tell you....boy, am I exhausted! I hadn't done a real grocery shop since June, so we were certainly ready for one of these babies! I convinced myself that I had the energy to do it, and so off I went. Well, it was more like me convincing myself that I really had to do it since there is no such likelihood that I'll be in the mood for one at any time during the rest of my pregnancy. And it was more like dragging myself to the store. But I digress.
I used to shop at about 3 stores every time I went out, but after a while I discovered this was rather cumbersome, so now I generally stick to 1-2. Tonight was a 2-store shop and I feel pretty good about the deals I managed to snag at both stores.
Now granted, I did spend slightly over our monthly grocery budget tonight alone. But again, this type of bulk shopping happens only once every 3-4 months and it's allowed that I go a bit over.
And considering I picked up 48 rolls of toilet paper, 2 giant boxes of diapers, a giant box of baby wipes, and 4 boxes of tissues (hey, cold season is just around the corner!) amongst all the other stocking up I did....I consider it a pretty good night. And really, we shouldn't need to grocery shop again for like, forever.
I left the boxes of diapers, wipes, tissues, toilet paper, and all other non-urgent things in the van and dragged in all the other stuff. I have now officially unloaded all the groceries, filled the fridge and freezer to near capacity, and set out all the dry goods to be put away in the morning.
All things considered, I feel great.
But my poor belly and legs hate me right now.
Tonight was such a shop. And let me tell you....boy, am I exhausted! I hadn't done a real grocery shop since June, so we were certainly ready for one of these babies! I convinced myself that I had the energy to do it, and so off I went. Well, it was more like me convincing myself that I really had to do it since there is no such likelihood that I'll be in the mood for one at any time during the rest of my pregnancy. And it was more like dragging myself to the store. But I digress.
I used to shop at about 3 stores every time I went out, but after a while I discovered this was rather cumbersome, so now I generally stick to 1-2. Tonight was a 2-store shop and I feel pretty good about the deals I managed to snag at both stores.
Now granted, I did spend slightly over our monthly grocery budget tonight alone. But again, this type of bulk shopping happens only once every 3-4 months and it's allowed that I go a bit over.
And considering I picked up 48 rolls of toilet paper, 2 giant boxes of diapers, a giant box of baby wipes, and 4 boxes of tissues (hey, cold season is just around the corner!) amongst all the other stocking up I did....I consider it a pretty good night. And really, we shouldn't need to grocery shop again for like, forever.
I left the boxes of diapers, wipes, tissues, toilet paper, and all other non-urgent things in the van and dragged in all the other stuff. I have now officially unloaded all the groceries, filled the fridge and freezer to near capacity, and set out all the dry goods to be put away in the morning.
All things considered, I feel great.
But my poor belly and legs hate me right now.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Strep Throat
It struck me as an odd time to develop something like this, seeing as it is mid-summer, but regardless of what I thought of it....we discovered today that my daughter has strep throat.
I'm not entirely convinced that strep is to blame for all the diarrhea, upset stomach, and vomiting...but we'll see how things turn out after the medication gets into her. That is, if she can keep it down.
She's on strict orders to only eat half a cracker at a time (every 1-2 hours) and drink 1/2 ounce of liquid every 30-45 minutes. Once she doesn't seem to be throwing up anymore, then she can resume regular eating habits (if her appetite returns). But I suspect there will be a lot of whining around the house until then.
Since I figured finding a babysitter for Friday was probably out of the question since all my babysitter-swapping friends have children of their own, I had to reschedule my appointment for Monday. Perhaps that will make me seem further along. Or something.
Anyway, my apologies to anyone who's been in contact with Sienna lately. I'm hoping this will stay contained, but with 5 people in this house...we'll have to wait and see.
I'm not entirely convinced that strep is to blame for all the diarrhea, upset stomach, and vomiting...but we'll see how things turn out after the medication gets into her. That is, if she can keep it down.
She's on strict orders to only eat half a cracker at a time (every 1-2 hours) and drink 1/2 ounce of liquid every 30-45 minutes. Once she doesn't seem to be throwing up anymore, then she can resume regular eating habits (if her appetite returns). But I suspect there will be a lot of whining around the house until then.
Since I figured finding a babysitter for Friday was probably out of the question since all my babysitter-swapping friends have children of their own, I had to reschedule my appointment for Monday. Perhaps that will make me seem further along. Or something.
Anyway, my apologies to anyone who's been in contact with Sienna lately. I'm hoping this will stay contained, but with 5 people in this house...we'll have to wait and see.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Soon, Very Soon
Well technically it could be up to 8 weeks away, but I'm shooting for 4, okay? :)
Soon this new baby will enter the world. And although I've done this hospital bag thing what seems like a million times before (although really, only three), I feel completely unprepared this time around. So on that note...I'd love to know what you all found absolutely indispensable while at the hospital before/during/after giving birth.
I know a few things that I haven't brought in the past but plan to bring this time are:
1. SOFT TOILET PAPER. (What are those hospital people thinking when they put that scratchy stuff in the labor and delivery rooms?!?!?) My personal favorite is Charmin Ultra Soft. It will be my best friend.
2. Lots of snacks. Because, yes, I cheat while I'm in labor and eat. (Just don't tell the nurses.) And also because meals just don't seem to come around often enough. Plus, my sweet supportive husband needs something to eat too! Especially while he's coaching me.
3. My laptop. The only reason I haven't brought this in the past is because I never had one before. But this time I do. And hopefully there will be no problems w/ the internet connection so I will have plenty of things to read/write about/pursue while waiting for my release.
4. My camera. DUH.
Alright, you have any must-have recommendations?
Soon this new baby will enter the world. And although I've done this hospital bag thing what seems like a million times before (although really, only three), I feel completely unprepared this time around. So on that note...I'd love to know what you all found absolutely indispensable while at the hospital before/during/after giving birth.
I know a few things that I haven't brought in the past but plan to bring this time are:
1. SOFT TOILET PAPER. (What are those hospital people thinking when they put that scratchy stuff in the labor and delivery rooms?!?!?) My personal favorite is Charmin Ultra Soft. It will be my best friend.
2. Lots of snacks. Because, yes, I cheat while I'm in labor and eat. (Just don't tell the nurses.) And also because meals just don't seem to come around often enough. Plus, my sweet supportive husband needs something to eat too! Especially while he's coaching me.
3. My laptop. The only reason I haven't brought this in the past is because I never had one before. But this time I do. And hopefully there will be no problems w/ the internet connection so I will have plenty of things to read/write about/pursue while waiting for my release.
4. My camera. DUH.
Alright, you have any must-have recommendations?
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