Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Strep Throat

It struck me as an odd time to develop something like this, seeing as it is mid-summer, but regardless of what I thought of it....we discovered today that my daughter has strep throat.

I'm not entirely convinced that strep is to blame for all the diarrhea, upset stomach, and vomiting...but we'll see how things turn out after the medication gets into her. That is, if she can keep it down.

She's on strict orders to only eat half a cracker at a time (every 1-2 hours) and drink 1/2 ounce of liquid every 30-45 minutes. Once she doesn't seem to be throwing up anymore, then she can resume regular eating habits (if her appetite returns). But I suspect there will be a lot of whining around the house until then.

Since I figured finding a babysitter for Friday was probably out of the question since all my babysitter-swapping friends have children of their own, I had to reschedule my appointment for Monday. Perhaps that will make me seem further along. Or something.

Anyway, my apologies to anyone who's been in contact with Sienna lately. I'm hoping this will stay contained, but with 5 people in this house...we'll have to wait and see.

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