In addition to that, I found some new CVS beauty coupon booklets tonight. They were sitting on top of the card scanner kiosk (whatever those are called) and they have some decent coupons that could be paired with manufacturer coupons or the $3/$10 CVS brand coupons for a pretty good deal.
There were two separate booklets and since these seem to be hard to find, I thought I would take a picture of each to help you out.


The coupons in these booklets are good through August 31, 2008.
And speaking of coupons....two coupon things happened tonight at CVS.
#1: I was standing near the registers trying to sort through my overflowing cart full of stuff and a lady walked up behind me. I told her I was not in line and that she could go ahead and she informed me that she was looking for coupons (in her purse). She handed me a coupon for the Huggies wipes I was buying and I gave her one for the pull-ups in her basket. I thought it was a pretty good deal! But then the deal got even sweeter when she handed me a whole HANDFUL of Huggies coupons. She said her newborn can't wear Huggies so she would never use them. SWEET!
#2: While I was still standing in line (but not in line) a man walked up to the registers. I told him the same thing...that I was not ready and that he was welcome to go ahead. He laughed and said, "Are you confused about what you got?" (I was piling stuff up on the counter so as to sort through everything in my cart). I said, "Oh, no...I just have to figure out my transactions so I hardly spend any money." He gave me a look that I thought said he thought I was crazy. But a few seconds later he asked, "Do you teach classes on it? Can you teach my wife?" Lol. I told him that I was in fact going to be doing a coupon seminar at my church the first weekend of August and that she was welcome to come! I really got a kick out of his question!
I am doing a mr linky on CVSing--come check it out and link your info up!
I am wondering....I wanted to teach a class as well....I wondered if you could share some of your wisdom with me as far as your outline of what you are going to teach and also are you going to connect to biblical references? I would love to pick your brain..
email me.
I am a CVS failure! I left the wipes coupons you gave me at home because I was thinking that I had way better ones with me (it turns out they were for diapers, no wipes). I still had the baby wash ones, and got those for free. Anyway, the cashier was like, "Here's your possible total... depending on what coupons you have." I had about $11 worth of savings with coupons and ECB. It went down to $24. He said, "That's all? You're going to pay that?" I said, "That's all I have today." He said, "Weak!" I laughed. So I'm getting heckled at CVS.
KATY: LOL. Probably the same guy I saw last night. He's so used to me. I forgot to tell you too that you should always give the CVS $/$$ coupons first, but with that total, it probably didn't matter. Did you get some good stuff nonetheless? You got some ECB back, right? Next time call me and I'll go with you! :)
Oh wow, one on one tutoring? Excellent! :) How does it help to give the coupons first?
Yeah, I love that guy -- he's hilarious!
I did get some good stuff -- and $7 back for ECB. Plus, I bought a journal to write to Benjamin and that wasn't on sale or anything. I do have some coupons to return to you, though. I used a $5 off $25 so I didn't need the $3 off $15.
So can you put your notes from your workshop on your blog? I'm no where near you, but maybe I can have my sister take notes for me :-)
When I figure out what I'm going to say and how I'm going to organize it, I'll definitely post them here!
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