I did get a LOT of stuff we need and use, so definitely not a waste of money. (Those of you who can't seem to understand why I get things I don't need will be happier with this post). :) I could have done better, but I didn't plan my transactions very well and then I felt so bad that they were waiting on me to close. I know...I'm a people pleaser in that regard. I must have apologized almost a dozen times. Not an exaggeration. Anyway, five transactions later, here is what I walked out the door with:

In case you can't see all those tiny things, I'll give you the rundown in writing:
(1) 8-pk Bounty paper towel
(3) 9-pk Charmin toilet paper...Ultra Soft :)
(2) Jumbo size Pampers diapers
(2) Pampers Sensitive baby wipes
(2) Huggies refill baby wipes (180ct each)
(4) Huggies baby wash
(4) Carefree pantyliners (22ct each)
(2) Listerine mouthwash (250mL)
(2) 2-pk Oral B CrossAction toothbrushes
(3) Brut deodorant
(2) bags of Chex mix
(1) yearly planner
(1) Glade Scented Oil candle holder
(2) CVS brand cotton swabs (Q-tips) 500ct each
(3) CVS brand bandaids
Total before coupons and sales: $143.67
Total OOP: $16.00 *GULP*
Total ECB to use next time: $15.00
Not terrible, I know. And considering that's the cost of JUST the two packages of diapers anywhere else, I'm not feeling too awful. But it is one of my worst shopping trips ever as far as OOP costs go.
Regardless of my shame, I am glad to say that we should be set on toilet paper, paper towel, diapers, bandaids, baby wash, pantyliners, Q-tips, and DEFINITELY baby wipes for quite some time!
I also want to mention that the Huggies Supreme refill baby wipes packs were on clearance at my CVS (Note to Katy - there is a PILE of them left! Go grab them!) for just $3/pack. I used coupons, of course, which brought them down to $2 each. NICE, EH? Yep. So you might want to check that out if you need baby wipes.
As always, thanks to Crystal over at Money Saving Mom for all her hard work in posting the CVS deals each week and month!
Oooo, thanks for the personally-directed heads up! I might have to check it out tomorrow night once Greg gets home and I have a car! :)
Oh, and I finally figured out that you can leave your name so I won't be posting comments as Anonymous anymore (I thought you had to post a URL address to do that before).
What do the scanners do at CVS? Do you get points or something for scanning when you go in? I just noticed it recently, but have never actually used it...
KATY: The scanners will always (to my knowledge) print out a $3/$10 CVS brand purchase coupon, which expires one week later. Usually you get some other lame coupon, but that's the important one! Every once in a great while, you'll get something really cool, but those are the normal ones.
I had never really looked at them much and then a few weeks ago realized that they were item scanners as well. I see alot of "Buy it before it's gone!" stickers with no markdown and I always thought, "If you're going to clearance it out, why wouldn't you knock the price down?" It turns out they DO put the price down; they just don't always put the clearanced price on the shelf. So I drag stuff over there all the time to see what the clearanced price is. (It's usually 50% off).
OMG! I spent too much this week too!!! They had so many good deals on the stuff we really use and need! But...I made a silly mistake!! So, let me be an example to PAY CLOSE ATTENTION!!! I was going for the sale diapers, and somehow managed to grab the Jumbo instead of the Mega!!! So...I paid 16.99 for a pack of 46 diapers!!! I did call, and I am returning them, and getting the ones that are on Sale!! But....for everyone else, who also shops with fussy kids in tow....Try to pay attention to this!!! I could have wasted $9.00!!!! Doesn't sound like a lot of money...but I can get a ton of stuff with that!!
I wouldn't balk at $16 OOP for all that if I were you... Good hunting!
Hello... I just found you on Cafemom and THANK THE LORD that I did, because you are a SAHMW Genius and currently my SAHMW role model!! :D
I have a question for you.... Where are you getting coupons for Huggies? I have searched HIGH & LOW for coupons and have yet to find any anywhere. HELP PLEASE!!!
Oh and where are you getting all of your coupons for Groceries that is helping you cut your costs in half?
I am looking forward to your advice & help!
ALSO... how did you get the ad on your blog page? I can't find a link to add that button.
GROOVEWOMAN: I get my coupons online and in the newspaper. We get one copy of the paper and then I get a few more inserts from friends/family members who don't use them. I usually wind up with about 3-4 copies of the Sunday inserts each week. I would say that's where the bulk of my coupons come into play, but I do print a lot as well.
As far as Huggies coupons go...I am registered at the Huggies site and they sometimes send coupons in the mail. There are also Huggies coupons in the Sunday paper inserts usually about once per month.
I get tons of deal ideas from!
BTW, What is the 'W' in SAHMW?
wow...Wow...WOW! You did an amazing job!! I wish I had started CVSing when my kiddos were in diapers.
Really dumb, newbie question - what scanners are you referring to? All I get on my register receipt are the $5/$25 and I rarely want a purchase that big.
I was wondering about the scanners too? Do you mean the things that check the price?? I never knew they printed coupons!!! Yea!!!
Yes, the scanners print coupons!! You just scan your card instead of an item. The scanners will always (to my knowledge) print out a $3/$10 CVS brand purchase coupon, which expires one week later. Usually you get some other lame coupon, but that's the important one! Every once in a great while, you'll get something really cool, but those are the normal ones.
Some stores (I've heard) don't have scanners, but most do. My store actually has two, but I can only scan once per day regardless of which scanner or store I'm at.
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