Monday, July 27, 2009

Absolutely Nothing

Nothing but laundry and cleaning and feeding my children, that is. That's what's on the agenda for today.

After spending last week dropping my two older kids off at VBS every single day, running various errands every single day, going out on a date with my hubby on Saturday (thanks, Mom!), going to church yesterday, and working 2 days last week...I am utterly wiped.

Last night I was so tired I cried. Just from being tired. I told my husband I was so glad this is my last week of working until the baby comes. I honestly have no idea how people work a full-time job until their due date. Maybe they're superwoman. Or maybe they don't already have 3 toddlers at home. Either way, I know without a shadow of a doubt that I am SO blessed to be able to stay at home with my children.

So today, in honor of me, I'm doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Nothing but laundry and cleaning and feeding my children, that is. You know, the normal we're-staying-home-and-not-going-anywhere-because-the-weekend-just-ended kind of Monday.

And I'm very happy.

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