Monday, February 18, 2008

Money Monday - Cash Back On Diapers!!

As you all know, I am all about saving money. To aid in my money-saving endeavors, I just found out about something called the caregiver's rebate.

For every package of Huggies or Goodnights diapers and every package of Pull-Ups (see the site for specific size requirements), you can receive $1 cash back from The Caregivers Marketplace. You can enroll online and they will email you with details on how to receive your cash back. It looks like you send in your original receipts (minimum of 5) and your check will take 4-6 weeks to arrive.

I just enrolled so I have not received the email yet, but if there is no time limit, I will be looking through all of my receipts from the past!

I hope those of you with children find this as helpful as I did!


thesecondmrssmith said...

THANKS! I knew I was saving those receipts for something. My son is about to turn 2 and I have ALL my receipts.

Happy Housewife said...

Wow, thanks for this, Ill be sure to sign up today.