Living in a big city definitely has it's pros and cons. I could go on and on about the cons, but today I want to talk about one of the pros: LOTS OF FIREWORKS.
I LOVE fireworks. And this year, with my brand spanking new camera, I ventured out to take some pictures. The first night I tried to take fireworks pictures, I basically just winged it. It ended in disaster. Well, the night didn't end in disaster, but the pictures did. So the next day I did lots of research online and discovered exactly how to do it. That night, I headed back out to do some the "right way".
Results below.

I know, this one is tiny. But just ignore that. For a few more of my fireworks pictures, you can visit my photography blog.
Pretty awesome, Heidi. You do have talent. :)
Impressive! And, another one of my sister's just got engaged so she's thinking June.
That is a VERY cool picture!!
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