Here is the rundown...
FREE stuff is in bold. Italicized stuff cost less than 25 cents.
6 tubes of Crest toothpaste
1 box Gerber baby cereal
1 Gerber sippy cup
3 2-pk Gerber baby food
2 boxes Nerds candy
2 pkgs Cheerios Snack Mix
2 pkgs Chex Mix
1 loaf WW bread
1 pk tortillas
2 cans spaghetti sauce
2 tubs I Can't Believe It's Not Butter margerine
2 cans chicken (like tuna)
2 boxes garlic bread
6-pk kids yogurt
3 boxes Honey Nut Cheerios
5 boxes Totinos pizza rolls
2 crtns ice cream
1 bag pretzels
3 lbs baby carrots
2 pkgs deli meat
1 box Quaker muffin bars
7 pkgs cookie mix
2 Johnson's buddies soaps
1 3-pk popcorn
4 pkgs cat treats (no, we don't have a cat, but these were free)
2 bottles Lysol kitchen spray
4 bottles Lysol toilet bowl cleaner
2 bottles Lysol pourable
It took 3 transactions (because Meijer will only double two identical coupons per transaction). But here are the numbers:
Total before coupons and sales: $145
Total coupon savings: $49
Total non-coupon savings: $55
Total OOP:$41
YAY FOR ME!!!!!!!
1 comment:
Teach me great master :)
This is my first week with all of this overwhelming FUN!! I made my first trip to CVS on Sunday and had to lay it all out and look at it for about 10 mins. It was such a high, I felt like I had done something wrong getting FREE stuff!! I am in total awe by your skills on this grocery trip. Good Job.
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