Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I admit it. I'm feeling pretty discouraged these days. As much as I know that babies DO generally come when they are ready, I'm getting fairly frustrated with this one. Last Monday, I was nearly certain I was in labor and would soon deliver my baby into my arms. Then yesterday, I was even more certain as my contractions were closer and stronger than last week and seemed to be gaining in intensity. But then, after we put the kids to bed....


Gone. Done. Over. Nothing noteable to speak of.

I'm trying to be patient. I'm trying to do what's best for my baby and myself. But I'm getting tired. Oh-so-tired. I know I'm not even a week past my due date, but for some reason I thought surely a FOURTH BABY would arrive at least on time, if not early. Perhaps I just set my expectations too high.

In the meantime, I am trying. To not be so emotional. To treat my children with kindness even when they are running around the house squealing. To feed my family three meals a day. To keep my mind on things that are positive. To remember that all children are a blessing, even when they don't arrive when I want them to. To sleep. To keep up with the laundry. And to be thankful.

".....be patient with everyone...." (1 Thessalonians 5.14)

1 comment:

Katy said...

Every day I'm saying, I wonder if Heidi's had her baby yet...
Hang in there!
Can't wait to hear the baby news :)