Today's Daily Dose is ONE YEAR OLD today! I'd like to thank all of you, my loyal readers, and even those of you who may be stopping by for the first time for leaving comments, suggestions, questions, etc! I am amazed that in only 12 short months this blog has received over 120,000 hits!
It's all you, people!
In honor of my blog birthday, I am giving away a copy of a book that has been instrumental in our family!
Financial Peace Revisited by Dave Ramsey
I am well aware that some of you probably roll your eyes when I post about our finances, but I am also well aware than many of you are very interested in those posts, and specifically in Dave Ramsey's ideas, and would like to find out more about how to become and stay debt-free, build wealth, and give! We just became debt-free last month following Dave's plan and we are SO excited!! So, I've decided to give away one of his books in order to help one of you readers learn about what I like to refer to as "the plan". :) This book has been unopened so it's completely note-free, which means that it is completely available to fulfill all your scribbling, note-taking needs.
To enter the giveaway, all you need to do is leave a comment (with a valid email address) and why you think you would benefit from this book. Since it's the blog's birthday month, the giveaway will remain open until January 31st at midnight. The winner will be announced on February 1st, 2009!
To enter the giveaway, all you need to do is leave a comment (with a valid email address) and why you think you would benefit from this book. Since it's the blog's birthday month, the giveaway will remain open until January 31st at midnight. The winner will be announced on February 1st, 2009!
We would benefit from this because we are paying off debt, but not correctly. we let our normal bills slide in order to pay extra on the car or house and then next thing you know, we are past due on the power or the water or something like that. my husband is not good with money, i am better than he is, but i know i could manage our finances better than i do. i have wanted one of Dave's books for a while now, just haven't taken the time to go get one.
thanks for a great giveaway!
I would benefit from this because then I could stop checking it out every 3 weeks at the library, lol. I have checked it out so many times, I should already own it. We totally believe in Dave's plan and are following it to a "T". We are planning on paying off all $26,000 of our debt by the end of this year (we paid off $1050 this month).
Great idea on the giveaway!
I don't want to enter but I still wanted to post a comment because think this is an AWESOME idea! What away to give back! Again congrats on being debt FREE!
Have you called dave yet?
I'd love to read this book. We are pretty good with the no debt situation, but I would love some of Dave's advise on investing, etc.
I already read Dave's Total Money Makeover and am ready to get on board, but I still feel insecure about budgeting and am not sure where to start and need more guidance. Thanks for your help and interest in helping others!
I know our family would benefit from this book. We need to find a way to get out of debt, so we can someday buy a house for our family. Please enter me,Thanks,Samantha
sheppard_s@yahoo dot com
My family would benefit from this book because we have decided to pay off our debt and be debt free, but we just don't know how. Plus my birthday is Feb.1st so this would be a great bday present>
I would love to have this book to get on board. Thanks for the offer! milker02@hotmail.com
I really hope I win this! My husband and I are working toward me staying home to home school my daughter. We need to be more stable with our finances. I think this book would be a great way to help us see the way to do it!
I have a giveaway too!
I would love to win this book because I would love to work towards being debt free but I just don't know where to start! Thanks for the chance to win!
meddlingkidd [at] aol.com
We could really use this book to help us get out of debt.The way we are doing it is just not getting it done! monk5@charter.net
this would be a great gift, i have listened to dave but have not read this book. we are determined to get out of credit card debt this year, i would love a plan to get us there!
thank yoU!
I'm a stay-at-home mom and money is tight, so financial advice is always welcome.
I would like to hear more about mortgage debt and heard Ramseys books mention it. I have been meaning to check it out at the library but always forget! Thanks for the opportunity!
I have nothing but wonderful things about Dave Ramsey's books and philosophies. I would so love to have this as my husband and I plan on getting everything in order this year!!
I've just started watching Dave on TV and would love to have his book and also to share it with my kids.
slrdowney at hotmail dot com
i'm a newlywed, and it would be great to help get me and mr. right get on the same page
We are striving to become debt-free as soon as possible, pay cash for our upcoming birth, and save enough money to remain car note and mortgage free for the rest of our lives. This seems impossible at times, and I haven't exactly settled on a "plan"... but I'm sure Dave's book would be helpful!
I received the Total Money Makeover as a Christmas gift. Great book, I read it in 3 days! My husband and I are finally on the same page of becoming debt free. He has been laid off quite a bit since right before Christmas. This situation has helped us realize the necessity of being debt free. We have started cutting all extra expenses and are ready to get down to business in 2009! I would love to have the book for more advice and encouragement as we begin our debt snowball. Thanks!
Not that we will win....BUT! With having a husband working at FedEx and also in college again, things are a little tight now. Not only that, but he will be leaving for camp in June for the National Guard. So, I have a man in college working at FedEx and going into the Guard. What would Dave say about this. Jason is a hard working man, and deserves the book.
I'd love to read this book. We have our first child due in June and we're trying to live on just one income so I can stay at home at least a year. We're fiercely committed to this idea and have already paid off some debts but could do way better. We have to start thinking of our child now as well. I'm a fan of his podcasts but haven't checked out any books.
Congrats on your anniversary!
I've really been wanting to read some of David Ramsey's books. I just started a frugal blog, and I really want to know what all the buzz is about!
Happy Birthday!
I could benefit because I have a lot of debt and feel like I am floundering financially without a clue how to help myself.
I have been wanting to get his book for a long time. I keep looking at it but never find the "extra" money to order it. I'm trying to get debt free. I often wonder how I did this too my family. Thanks for doing a give away.
My husband and I would benefit from this book by learning how to budget our money, pay off our debt and learn to "schedule" our money so to speak. Plan for the future emergencies that might come up. Most importantly, we would take away information from this book that would benefit our children and help them learn to budget their money and help them not get into the situation that we find ourselves. Thanks!
I have read some from Dave Ramsey before and I think what he has to say is really solid and useful. I don't own any books yet though, so I would love to add one to my library!
I have a daughter who is a senior in high school. I would give her the book so that she can start out on the right financial foot. If it's as good as I think it is, she'll probably have me read it as well.
This is a great give-away! I would love to get this book. I checked our local library and they don't have any Dave Ramsey books!!! Since I "try" to take care of most of the finances in the family it would be great to have some help from Dave as to how to budget and save better! I have wanted to buy one of Dave's book but haven't had the money to be able to yet.
Congratulations on being debt free! That is so awesome (and so rare)! I would love this book because we are trying very hard to get out of debt and any extra resources we can find to help motivate us and get us on the right track would really help! Thanks for the great giveaway!
My hubby and I are on a fixed income and feeling the pinch financially! We are already pretty darn frugal, but could use some help in our financial lives!
Thanks and Happy Birthday to your blog!
Happy Blog Birthday! :)
i am always looking for ways to get ahead financially, and have heard a lot about dave ramsay. would love to hear what he has to say!
I've heard tons of great things about Dave Ramsey, but have never had a chance to read any of his books. I'd love to win a copy! gerolami19 AT hotmail DOT com
We would benefit from this book because I know we need to budget our money better. With now 3 kids and 2 in diapers, we need all the help we can get!
We would benefit from this because we just had our first baby and are trying to stay debt free!
sras7508 at gmail dot com
I would love to read this book, as I always hear about the wonders that Dave Ramsey can do! Frankly, I am just too cheap to buy one myself!
We are being very careful about finances, but we have 7 children AND my husband is in school. If we can win thebook we dn't have t spend money to buy the book!
My son is headed toward marriage fast, and I would give this to him if I won.
Wow this would help! We are in debt and trying to figure out a way to pay it off while on one income. Thanks for the giveaway!!!!
Who couldn't use this! We are expecting our 2nd child and are needing to learn how to spend and save in the best ways.
I've heard a lot about Dave Ramsey's book and seen him on Fox News. I would love to read his book and get some advice on how to further save money and be debt free. From what I've been hearing he has helped many people get out of debt and I'm ready to be free from the chains of debt!
Thanks for this great opportunity.
I know we waste a lot of money that could be used for more important things. I have heard a lot about this book and Dave Ramsey. I would love to read it.
Thanks for the opportunity.
conriegel (at) cs (dot) com
My husband and I watch Dave Ramsey on Fox. If we win his book, we would give it to our daughter who is in her second year of college. We've taught her the fundamentals of finances but what a better way to instill in her at an early age how to stay debt free.
Anonymous - I just sent a comment and failed to leave e-mail.
I would benefit because as a single mom to a special needs child money is always tight.
savvysahmreviews (at) yahoo (dot) com
We are struggling with paying our debt, I'd love to read one of his books. I've heard very good things about it.
Happy blog anniversary!
Dave Ramsey's books are on my wish list (there is even a long waiting list at all local libraries)!
We need a sure fire way to become debt free!
Thanks and congrats!
Really need this book for my family! Would be awesome to finally win something spectacular like this! Thanks so much for offering this book! Janet F
This book would be good for us to get an idea on the best ways to pay down our debt. Thanks
macawcrazy2002 AT yahoo DOT com
I would really love to have this book! My husband was unemployed for 5 months and just got a job! I want to go gung-ho as much as we can and get our debt paid off and be able to put back quite a bit in an emergency fund, which we don't have AT ALL, for IF this happens again. Congrats on going debt free and your blog's anniversary!
I would benefit from this book as we are trying to start the Dave Ramsey plan. My husband can't get enough of him on talk radio.
We need this book because we are trying to get out of debt that occured when we chose for me to stay at home with our kids. I know a lot about Dave Ramsey's principals but haven't read any of his books. kimmicle@yahoo.com
I need this book! im recently getting a divorce and i need help bad! im trying the total money makeover but its hard to start with nothing! I have two kids and i want them to have things that they need instead of asking everyone else for "donations" i would like to finially think im getting somewhere! Thank you!skimmel@firstnnb.com
I would benefit because I am a young single who would like to get off to a good start and not make mistakes like others have.
We are in the process of working out a budget. I would like to get some savings in case we need it and put aside $$ for our future farm (hopefully!). I don't know how to do that in our present spending. I am sure this book would be full of great ideas
I'd love to have this book to help keep us motivated in our journey out of debt. I believe the practical advice would help us to see more ways to improve our financial future.
cash_budget at yahoo dot com
I have heard great testimonials from you & other blogs that I am very interested in reading this book & learning more about "the plan." It could be a huge help to us in handling our debt in the most effective way to become debt-free!
kjkmom2boys at yahoo dot com
Several of our friends have raved about this book and we've been interested in reading it. I think this would be a great asset to our family.
We listen to Dave Ramsey often and would love to have this book. We are always trying to pay things off and only buy new with cash.
vickers at comcast dot net
We would definitely benefit from this book. We are not at gazelle intensity at paying off debt yet, but would like to be.
I have this book myself already but I would like to win it for a friend that is struggling financially.
We would benefit from this because we are trying each day to pay off bills but still have a way to go. We need all the help we can get to be dept free.
I have wanted to get started on his lessons forever. As a single woman about to get married, I want to start this new season of life on the right foot and planning toward our future. We already do well with money, but I think we could be better educated and more prepared to take things to the next level. Thanks!
durboraw j at missouri dot edu
This is a great giveway. I could benefit this because we are trying so hard to pay off debt and make all the ends meet. I have heard so many postive things about his approach. I'm sure it would helps us.
Thanks for entering me for this giveaway.
I attended Dave's FPU classes, but couldn't afford the book (go figure). I'd love to have it as a reference at home.
We would like this book because we do have a little debt. Not too bad but my hours were cut yesterday to almost non-existent at work. Looking for any tips/ideas I can find. Thank you for the chance to win.
We really need someone to walk with us through our journey. I have stayed at home with our disabled son and daughter. My husband travels 12 months out of the year to pay the bills and now he has been diagnosed with cancer. I need to restructure our debt, cut corners and restructure our daily lives so I can get a job and take care of my family.stevenandpatfixatjunodotcom
I would love this book. My husband lost his job in July and has been trying to make his own mobile audio business thrive in a small town. We would definitely benefit from advice and help from Dave Ramsey! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!
We are in debt up to our eyeballs! We are overwhelmed about where to start.
Thanks for the giveaway!
hotmommy100 at comcast dot net
I would love to read this book! We are in control of our finances, but would like to stay that way. And maybe find helpful advice for my mother who is entering bankruptcy for the second time!
Hi- thanks for offering this great giveaway! My family would benefit from this book because we are over our heads in student loans and my husband really wants to go into business for himself. We need to develop a strategic action for becoming debt-free! --Beth
harmony451@yahoo dot com
I really want this book for my son and his family. They are trying hard to get out of debt and this would be helpful.
slrdowney at hotmail dot com
I would benefit from this because I have heard so many good things about this program and the books he has written...and I want to become a better budget planner in order tp use my money more wisely.
I'm the financial head of the family and I can use all the advice and guidance I can get! This would be lovely. Thanks!
ariella at blight dot com
I would love to have the book. I am currently doing the snowball plan now. I do NOT have the book but would LOVE to read it.
Dave Ramsey has some awesome ideas and information. I'd love to read this book. My goal is definitely to get debt free!
We are trying hard to make paying down debt a priority by taking any extra money we get and putting it towards the CC. I've heard so many good things about Dave Ramsey's plan I have been wanting to start this system for awhile. Thanks.
We would benefit from this book because we are working hard to pay off our debt and build our lives together. We want to save up for a house and family but we don't want to get further in debt to do it.
charlies_secret_angel2006 at yahoo dot com
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